Jacob, Norwich Royals
My name's Jacob Norwich from Norwich Royals and I am addicted to weird stuff. I am 24, working on a degree in zoology and art, and live in a village called Marengo, located in the heart of Ohio. I try to be funny and positive, but I put a lot of UFO's out there ( Ufo unidentified funny objective.). I just started in the snake industry and currently supply the shop with airplants, succulents and photography.
Selena, Story Photography
Hi, I’m Selena, the person behind the camera of Story Photography by Selena. I slowly edged my way into photography starting in middle school and continued to pick up someone’s camera every now and then until I had my own. I finally created my official business in 2018 and have continued to build it since.
I not only capture moments for people, but I often capture moments just in the world around me too. The stillness of the grass with the sun setting behind it, the butterfly landing on a long flower stem, or the winding walking path through a wood - whatever catches my eye. If I have favorites of these I print and sell them to allow others to enjoy those tiny, beautiful moments in their own spaces. My printed pieces reflect not only nature, but also darker themed concepts with models I’ve worked with, or moments I’ve captured at public events.
I’ve loved Fae’s Cabinet way longer than I’ve sold pieces here because there’s such a variety of art here. I was so, so excited when I applied and was approved as a vendor at a store I’ve loved for such a long time. I’m honored to share my art with you here at Fae’s, and hope to bring you images you find beautiful and even meaningful.