Nicholas, Nighttime Nicolas
Nicholas studied religion and philosophy at the University of Toronto which led to a career in education. While teaching in London, England, he travelled to Geneva and visited the particle collider at CERN. This experience ignited Nicholas' passion for the sciences. Upon returning to Toronto, Nicholas wholeheartedly immersed himself in broadening his understanding of the physical world and the structures that unite us. The artist's intention is to create work that kindles curiosity through the same scientific methods that ignited his passions.
Diaphonization is a process that makes muscles and tissues transparent while keeping the skeleton fully intact (imagine a gummy bear with a skeleton). The skeleton is stained using special dyes – one for the bones and another for the cartilage. The artist spends 2-3 months on each process to ensure the specimens are clear, the dyes are absorbed, and the pieces no longer contain toxic chemicals. They are safe, properly preserved, and will stay as they are. Avoid prolonged or intense heat or light.
Lori, LaFuelling Facades
What can I tell you about myself, well I'm a US Navy Seabee Veteran, I was injured in the service and they labeled me disabled, but I've never felt that way. As a teenager I worked with a one armed Saddle maker, so I took that leather experience and started doing saddle repair, then with a few awesome contacts I began working with the film industry doing foot ware and accessories for movies, TV shows and Stage theaters across the world. Eventually I opened my craft to the general public and things really took off, that was over 30 years ago and I never looked back.
Been married 24 years and my hubby is my best friend, yeah I know that sounds corny but it's true. I'm a bit of an odd duck, love old things, found things and enjoy reconstruction of damaged taxidermy. My friends regularly show up on the door step with a bone or something unusual that they know I will treasure. I have a Bearded Dragon named Spike that I adore, got him for my son but soon realized he was more for me and is truly my familiar, Emma the chihuahua is a rescue, she is learning all the time how to be a dog, after never touching grass for 4 years with her previous owner who passed away. Tootsie the piebald cat, is a nut case, as she is properly named for her constant foot fetish and crazy antics.
If you buy from me you are purchasing a leather item, created by me with care, devotion, a little magic and fun. I stand behind my pieces and will take care of you, today tomorrow or years from now. Peace and blessing.